April 8, 2021

Be Strong! (Pandemic Narrative Still Unfolding!)

Part 3. We are in the eye of the pandemic. The vaccine is here but the mutations are raging and will haunt us yearly. And the emerging collateral damage? Multiple times more impacting!
May 26, 2021

Temple Mount Syndrome (Break The Cycle of Hate!)

Part 2. The Temple Mount is volatile. It triggers the cycle of hate between the Arabs and Jews. What if the City of David is the solution to that?
May 19, 2021

Self-Interest Is Dangerous! (The Gaza-Israel Rage!)

Part 1. The war on the pandemic is hardly over. Another one in the Middle East is furiously unfolding! Why do we keep having wars in the first place?
May 7, 2021

Reduce The Fear! (Get The Vaccine!)

Part 1. Take the vaccine if you are afraid and have no options. The jabs are produced by world-class companies. Yes there are more risks under EUA but better than to suffer the consequences of our anxieties.
April 21, 2021

Death Is Painful. (But Life Is In Suffering!)

Death is inevitable. But suffering is the portal of resurrection. It unlocks the truth it is someone else, not ourselves, that will raise us from the dead!