August 21, 2018

Top Health… As Simple as 1,2,3.

We make health complicated. Actually, it only takes 3 steps and we appreciate these things. But not as much as the excesses we enjoy until we develop illnesses. Time to re-evaluate our priorities!
August 16, 2018

Don’t Sugar Rush… It’s Diabetic’al!

Should it take death to stop our sugar rush? We all have sweet tooth. But we need to consider that we may have developed an illness-inducing habit!
August 15, 2018

Drive Your Team’s Hearts and Minds!

Change is moving fast! Drive your team's hearts and minds - their emotions and their logic! Then focus and enjoy the goals of your business!
February 22, 2018

The Calm Men Truth (Death Sucks & Sealed!)

Death is real no matter how we refuse. And life is like a sun we should enjoy while it is shining. Calmly leave an inspiration for the living and a resurrection hope when you enter hades.