Governing is Hard! (Changes Need Proper Baking!)
#Panagbenga Run! (Finding Vitality in Baguio City)
February 13, 2018

I have always loved this bakeshop not only for their Mango Bravos and Lemon Squares but of the endearing history behind their creation. And I heard it straight from the proprietor Ms. Beth Contis and her team a year ago.

But that is not what I am excited about today although it is also about “baking”. We are with the DILG-NCR Team headed by Regional Director (RD) Lourdes “Ondet” Agustin to help strengthen their Quality Management Systems (QMS) initiatives through 5S.

The Heart of Government Agencies

About 2-3 years ago, I facilitated an event of the management team of DILG-Region IVA under then RD Rene Brion. Prior to that, DepEd is my favorite government agency. My late mother is a public school teacher and raised us all 9 broods from poverty out of her noble profession. So that figures! 🙂

Second is DSWD for obvious reasons that they “best” serve the poor of our country that, unbelievably still, numbers about 30 million today. It is hard to imagine a family barely eating 3x a day. 30 Million? And for all those talks about inclusive growth, it does not help that 82% of global wealth produced last year went to only 1% of the population! But that is a story for another day. 😞

I apologized to the team of RD Rene then given my ignorance and lack of appreciation of their hardwork. I have always associated DILG with politicians and lobbyists for government contracts and never understood that they are the most 24/7 agency of the land. Literally, whatever situation we find ourselves in, there are those tens of thousands career service people serving whether earthquakes or floods come our way.

Indeed, when we pause and listen, our blinders are humbly peeled off. There will always be “despicable” politicians and lobbyists but they do not represent DILG. The majority are those wanting to serve their countrymen daily and I praise the Creator for them.

The Hurdles of Government Initiatives

Last year, I asked the District Engineer of one DPWH group I handled if what challenge awaits them that year. He said they are excited about their ISO Certification initiatives. I felt happy and dumb-founded at the same time – happy because ISO certification is one basic means to make government services more predictable, speedy, and customer-driven. There is hope! But I was perplexed (bordering depression) because ISO has been used by corporations and governments as early as the 1950’s!

Come November, I got the chance too to address the entire employees of LTO Region IVA. My message was pointed and ironic – congratulations for even trying to implement or encourage RFID systems in the country despite the issues they found themselves in. For those users of E-Pass, ETC, etc. you fully know what I mean given the convenience and relief of using that technology. But yes, I told them that I still have not received my vehicles’ new RFID-enabled plates I paid the other year – lol.

We need technology and courageous leaders to solve our nation’s problems. Metro Manila is already locked (please watch Uber’s Unlocking Manila video) and Calabarzon need not follow on its footstep. They need leaders who will at least try and give us hope in the process. The lives of 15 million living in Calabarzon depend on them.

The Heart of Change

July last year, in the midst of the ASEAN@50 celebration and the compounding changes we face as a nation, I got invited to address the Lingkod-Bayanis of the Civil Service Commission during their national HR Symposium held in PICC. I have learnt earlier that they have launched (years ago) their PRIME HRM initiative. It is like an ISO project in the way they are professionalizing the HR profession and practices across the land.

So what do you say to two thousand dedicated HR people (from Jolo to Aparri) in such a short time? Simply this. The HEART of Change… (in the context of the technological revolution “stealing” and “confounding” the jobs of humans in the land…) is a CHANGE of Heart.

Technology is not an enemy – embrace and control it! Make it your slave! Difficulties and difficult people are not enemies – they make us resilient and “remorseful” (for not understanding better that these bullies and crazies are crying out of their wounded hearts)!

Change of Heart is a change of perspective. Let us make our thoughts and resolutions hopeful and positive ones… as those are what make us heroic and resilient civil and professional kawanis of the land!

The Hurt’dles of Government Employees

I have been privileged to have served, and “entertained” with crazy truths, many more government agencies, big and small, and up-close and personal. But the challenge remains the same – there is much ground to cover and it is fun that we will never run out of exciting puzzles to solve – and people to help – along the way.

Several years ago, I had the chance to handle the Treasury Office of one large city in Metro Manila numbering about 500 people. Out of my desire to connect with their hearts, I found myself uttering one inspiring but ironic truth.

I told them, “Many, if not all of you, entered government out of sheer desire to serve the people. And yet, as you entered government roster, you found that corruption and despair is rampant. You valiantly stood your ground during those years when both soul and pockets are battered left and right. Until one day a financial struggle, or a deep moral anger, led you to ‘give-up’ and took an ‘innocent’ step towards the dark path… and got swallowed by the system as the years passed by.”

A Much Needed Help…

Seriously, I could have not survived working in government  better than anyone, mortals as we are. It is not an excuse but who can truly blame anyone? It takes great strength to overcome the system of corruption entrenched over the years. I am not fooling myself either. I am simply saying I thank God that once upon a time, they entered government service out of sheer desire to serve the Filipino people.

If only for that, they may cry all they want mussing on why they got into the portals of government in the first place. I did not say the words exactly as I paraphrased them now. But I did notice the faces and teary-eyed Lingkod-Bayanis that day. An “ancient” chord of originally entering government to serve had been strummed. They just need to courageously find their way back.

And Challenge!

I have seen hundreds of corporate and government events come and gone. That day, when they all have left and I was exhaling a sigh with the janitors and waiters, I noticed one more “hurting” truth. All the ballpens, white board markers, and papers we gave are all gone (unlike their corporate counterparts who usually leave them behind)!

Those are paid and by all means I could have given them more. But I cannot help but be broken, thoughts crossing that a kid back home probably needs those or a peso needs to be spared so food can be bought instead of wasting it on a ballpen. I should know. My Mom used to do the same.

So how can we all not be excited working with government agencies? They are for the people and we are the people! More than ever these are the times when all hands will be appreciated to help them get over their challenges. I think that is a thousand times more fun and fulfilling! So let us all help in properly “baking” change in government. lol.

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